Making A Comeback
It’s Been A Long Time
The last time I published something new on my blog was in June 2018. That’s over 8 months ago and makes me feel really sad 🙁 .
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
Nelson Mandela
That’s not to say that I haven’t been writing or that I haven’t been active on other areas of my Achieve Your Best Life channels. If you follow me on other social media platforms, then you’ll know that I have been putting fresh content out, intermingled with my older ‘evergreen’ blogs.
And I guess that’s ok, but for those of you who only ‘see’ me on my blog, then you’ll know that there has been quite a big publishing gap!
What Happened?
It’s hard to put a finger on it, after all, I was pretty much in the habit of writing and publishing a new blog every week. But somewhere along the line the muse deserted me. Then as time went on without new posts coming out the time gap began to feel too big and then it became embarrassing.
I began to worry what people would think and consequently let the gap between my last published blog and the next one I would publish become a gaping hole.
Then things got really bad.
Reasons I Resisted The Comeback
I started actually resisting writing altogether. Truth be told, I was still writing, sporadically, but it never felt good enough to publish. I’ve read a lot about the ‘not good enough’ monster and how it can kill off your seedlings even before they’ve broken ground, and that’s kind of how things began to work out.
Curiosity About The Reasons for the Radio Silence
And then I got really hung up on worrying about people’s curiosity. It’s human nature to want to know the ‘why’ something happened, and to be honest, just saying that the muse deserted me for a time sounds so lame!
So I started thinking up some weird and wonderful stories to make the radio silence seem more acceptable, but in the end, there’s really no point. What’s happened has happened and I can’t undo it. I can only make it better from here on.
Negative Feedback or Criticism
I was also worried about being criticised. For what I’m not sure. Maybe because I left my readers hanging with no word of explanation, or maybe because I would dare to return to writing and my blog!
And maybe that criticism would be deserved, but hey, as I’ve said elsewhere on this website, haters are gonna hate! I guess I’ll just have to suck it up if that turns out to be the case!
Lessons I’ve Learned
It’s been a frustrating time trying to get back to writing, not least because I knew the real ‘enemy’ was within. It was me holding myself back and I needed to find a way to get over myself. A few thoughts have crystallised recently which is why I’m able to publish this blog today. Here they are:
Who Notices, Who Cares?
• For some people the only thing they’ll notice about my ‘comeback’ is the fact that I’ve appeared at all! In other words, they hadn’t really noticed that I’d gone! And that’s ok. I’m not going to get all hung up about it! Phew!
Coming Clean
• I needed to ‘come clean’ before I could put anything else up on the blog. As I’ve already mentioned, I have been writing. Some of that stuff has been rubbish, but some of it is worthy of publishing. BUT! I just couldn’t bring myself to publish anything new until I’d ‘come clean’! I only realised this was a self-imposed limiting factor in the last couple of weeks…and still I resisted writing this post!
Why Come Back At All?
I never intended staying away, so coming back to the website is a natural progression for me, but if pressed for specifics as to why I wanted…needed…to come back, here are a few thoughts…
• I’ve been missing my ‘friend’. Yes, writing is like a friend to me. It’s someone who hears me unconditionally and allows me to empty my head of all the many weird and wonderful thoughts that whirr around on a daily basis!
• My website is the backbone of my business, and so ignoring writing, and by default, my website is completely counter-productive to where I want to go in life. Needless to say, this is a priority in making a comeback!
What’s Changed?
There is some big news though!
Towards the end of 2018 I left my full-time day job to work full-time on Achieve Your Best Life. This is something I’d wanted to do for years prior to actually taking the leap!
I’d been preparing for this to happen for a long time, but it still takes a while to settle into new routines. I can say now though, that it finally feels like my normal ‘day-job’ and I love it!
What To Expect In 2019 and Beyond?
So what can you expect from me in 2019 and beyond?
Well, first and foremost, I’ll be writing much more regularly on the blog. I’ve really missed writing consistently, and as you know, I find writing quite cathartic, so it’s been a bit of a loss!
Two forthcoming posts will be based on my 2018 and 2019 goals.
For 2018, it wasn’t just my writing that suffered but other plans I’d had which needed to draw on my creativity also got shelved. It doesn’t feel right to just gloss over this, so I’ll be wrapping up 2018 in a blog post soon.
And obviously, my blog wouldn’t be what it is without my usual accountability around writing up my goals for scrutiny, so I’ll also be publishing my 2019 goals soon too.
I’m also working on some new products and services for 2019, as well as increasing my presence across social media, including YouTube!
Phew! I’m so happy to have finally written and published this post! I’m sure there will still be some days that I’ll struggle to make the muse cooperate and when that happens I’ll remember that I’ve got a stash of half-written posts that I can draw on!
So it’s onward and upward from here! Thank you for sticking around!
What to do next…
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