Is The Decision Risky Or Brave?
We assume that being risky is something negative. In fact the Cambridge dictionary defines risk as:
The possibility of something bad happening.
I like the idea of the bad thing happening being a possibility. By definition, surely that must also mean that risk has an upside, that there is a possibility that something good might happen.
And that’s the nub with ‘possibility’, we just don’t know for sure how things will turn out.
Of course, we want the best possible outcome and will therefore take time to weigh up the odds so that we’re taking a calculated risk. But that calculated risk will depend on our personal risk tendency.
Personality and Risk
I guess I’m somewhat of an optimist, so taking risks tends to energise me, especially in the moment! I have a tendency to see risks as opportunities. A chance to try something new, to learn and to grow. Growing is where I feel at my best. I’m happy when I’m learning, planning and making things happen.
Taking risks gives me energy.
Jay Chiat
By contrast, I’m at my most sluggish when life is just rolling on without any input from me. These times have the hallmark of me getting in my own way. I’ll muster up a whole list of negative unhelpful thoughts about not being able to do something, but the reality is that I’m just scared. I’m afraid in some way to put myself out there and risk being judged.
We all get like that, I know. We’ve all got some level at which judgement by others creates some kind of barrier to further action. We convince ourselves that the risks outweigh the rewards. We’ll get anxious and worry about taking the next step, even though in our heart of hearts we know that taking that step is exactly what we want and need to do.
What Other People Are Thinking
You’ll often find that other people won’t understand why you’re taking a risk, but of course this is a reflection of their own attitude towards risk and shouldn’t have any real bearing on your decision.
Believing in yourself and what you do is so important. It took me a long time to find that confidence. If you’re an artist and you’re taking risks, then you’re doing something right if some people don’t get it.
Kate Voegele
But, if you’ve sought out advice from someone who has done, and succeeded in what you want to do, then their input can be priceless. They will likely offer you well founded advice and guidance and point out the potential pitfalls.
They will be unlikely to put you off your plans.
When Risk Is Thrust Upon You
Believing in yourself helps you to deal with the risks that you choose to invite into your life. But, there are other risks too – the ones that are created by circumstance and were not invited. In fact, they are probably unwelcome and have become a risk to your way of life in some way.
But, even in saying this, remember, that you are where you are now having dealt with and coped with the level of risk that life has thrown your way. In other words, when you were challenged by something, you rose to the challenge and came out the other side.
It’s very possible that you would never willingly have challenged yourself in that way, and, given the choice, you would not put yourself through that experience again, but that doesn’t negate the fact that you negotiated your way through those difficult and challenging times and have emerged on the other side.
It’s also very likely that having been through the experience, you have grown stronger, and have also developed more empathy, compassion and tolerance than you once had.
Where Does Risk Reside?
So what are the types of risks you might take? This will vary from one person to another and also between different times of your life and reflect your values and commitments at a particular time.
But here are some ‘risky’ ideas. You get to decide whether these are in fact risks or opportunities:
• Getting married
• Having children
• Hang gliding
• Changing jobs
• Starting your own business
• Making new friends
• Letting some friends go
• Investing in stocks and shares
• Buying your own home
• Asking someone on a date
• Deep sea diving
• Giving a presentation to a large group of people
• Not doing anything
• Learning something new, ie, updating or upskilling your knowledge
Of course, the list is endless, because risk is personal. In fact, you could ask yourself “is it risk or is it a brave decision?”
Is It Just A Brave Decision?
Making a “brave decision” somehow feels more palatable than “taking a risk”. What’s more, other people are more accepting of brave decisions than risk taking and are therefore likely to be more supportive.
Don’t be afraid to have a reality check. Taking risks is OK, but you must be realistic.
Joy Mangano
So faced with a risky situation that you want to change in some way that is threatening to hold you back, can you reframe it?
Having weighed up all the pros and cons and checked in with your head and heart, can you ask yourself: “can I make the brave decision that’s needed here?”
It’s a subtle change, but it’s also empowering. It’s asking you to call upon the belief you have in yourself that you have the strength and fortitude to take this thing forward.
Try it – whenever you’re faced with a risky situation, turn inward and call upon yourself and Make the Brave Decision.
What to do next…
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