Everything you see happening is the consequence of that which you are. Dr David Hawkins.
This quote appeared on a Facebook page I follow a little while ago. It’s a very succinct quote which covers a huge area of our lives and I think warrants exploring a little deeper, as its true meaning can be difficult to understand and most importantly, to accept.
In essence, what this quote is telling us is that we are responsible for all the things we experience in our lives now, have experienced in the past and will have and experience in the future. No matter what has happened to us right up until this point, good or bad, we are responsible. Harsh, eh? After all, there will be things that have happened to us over which we had no control. Examples where we may not feel any responsibility could be a car accident where the other driver was at fault, or the death of a loved one.
In these examples it’s difficult to see how we could be responsible for the outcome, but this isn’t really what the quote is trying to convey to us. The reality is that in whatever situation we find ourselves, we are responsible for our reaction, and that’s it, in a nutshell.
There’s a further difficulty with this concept and that is that we believe that our reactions are justifiable, and this may be true, but, the point we often miss is that our reactions will create our ongoing reality. To put this another way, the thing we need to understand is that we are our behaviour, which is the same as saying we are how we react.
But, just to confuse things a little further, believing our reactions to be justifiable doesn’t mean that those on the receiving end have to or will accept them in the way we intended. That’s down to their perception! If you think back I’m sure you will have experienced situations where misunderstandings arose between yourself and someone else because others’ perceptions of our behaviour may not be in line with what we intended for them to understand from our personal conduct. Frankly, it all sounds like a nightmare!
Take a look at this simple multiple choice question, and choose which response you would be most likely to follow: [Read more…] about Should you control your reactions?